Know your financial personality and learn how to make good decisions with money

Every head is a world, and every person has a different way of relating to money, so knowing your financial personality will help you identify the behaviors that are causing you problems.

The first thing to consider is that the tendencies or habits you have regarding money matters are responsible for whether or not you can pay your bills each month. Do you want to learn how to make good decisions with money? Then it’s time to take a look at your spending habits.

Financial personality types

It is said that the first step in resolving a crisis is to pinpoint the problem. By knowing your financial personality, you can take action and avoid behaviors that affect your financial stability.

In Arkapital, we invite you to study your way of handling money and thus make a positive change that will help you make good decisions with money. Here are the top four ways to behave with money.

Hardened Spender

This is the most problematic financial personality because they are addicted to buying things that, in everyday life, they don’t need. He fills himself with luxuries or consumptions that prevent him from saving and tends to have debt.

These kinds of people usually try to fill some emotional lack with material things or food products. Ideally, they should receive psychological counseling that allows them to heal and control their finances without relapsing.

Savings Destroyer

He has a financial personality of caution since he has no problem saving, but when he decides to spend all the money, he does it without remorse. This type of person tends to control their spending with apparent normality. Still, it loses control when faced with a buying “opportunity.”

For them, it is essential to have a financial advisor to help them make good decisions with money.

The indifferent

Saving? Spending a lot? It’s not important! The financially indifferent don’t worry about saving money or keeping track of monthly expenses. They let themselves go with the flow of the situation without much trouble.

They are not obsessed with money and therefore ignore future problems due to lack of planning. For them, it is essential to receive help from financial experts to elaborate a budget and economic strategy.

Compulsive saver

At the other extreme of financial personalities are people who don’t allow themselves to spend an extra dollar of their budget. They are dedicated to saving and hiding money.

Far from enjoying the fruits of their sacrifices, they obsess over their savings and avoid touching them. Only in extreme situations might they be forced to compromise at the cost of their emotional stability. This kind of personality should be treated with a specialist to help them heal their financial insecurities and allow them to enjoy their life to the fullest.

Did you identify with any of the financial personalities? Then it’s time to get rid of the behaviors that affect your stability. Arkapital experts are prepared to identify your flaws and help you make effective financial planning and, as an innovative element, from emotional intelligence and harmony with money. The time to make the change is now!